
Champion Lakes Boating Club

Ready for aquatic fun? Dive into rowing's thrill, paddle through kayaking's serenity, harness dragon boat power, or navigate radio sailing finesse at Champion Lakes Boating Club. Join us for fitness, friendship, and fantastic water sport adventures!


Explore a world of water adventures at Champion Lakes Boating Club!

Unleash your inner water warrior and dive into a realm of aquatic excitement at the Champion Lakes Boating Club (CLBC). With a vibrant spirit, top-notch facilities, and a passion for fostering community connections, CLBC stands as the ultimate destination for water sports enthusiasts of all ages and backgrounds.


Embark on a rowing journey like no other! With an ever-expanding fleet of boats and friendly coaching, CLBC Rowing Club is the prime choice for those seeking to row their way to fitness and fun. Embracing a diverse tapestry of ages and cultures, this young club is all about learning, laughter, and laying down some serious strokes. Join the regatta season excitement from April to September, where you can bask in the thrill of racing while enjoying a family-friendly day out.

For more information go to their website here.


Calling all adventurers! The Champion Lakes Regatta Centre beckons you to try your hand at kayaking. Our kayak club, nestled within the larger boating community, welcomes members of all skill levels to take part in regular events that promise both exhilaration and relaxation. Whether you're craving a leisurely paddle or an adrenaline-pumping race, our state-of-the-art facilities and expert coaching have you covered.
For more information go to their website here.

Dragon Boating:

Join "The Lakers" and experience the exhilaration of dragon boat racing. This team sport not only ignites your fitness journey but also nurtures camaraderie and determination. From paddlers to sweepers and drummers, all ages and abilities are invited to be part of this fantastic adventure. As the season heats up from October to March, become a vital part of our growing dragon boat community, where friendships are forged and health goals achieved.
For more information go to their website here.

Radio Sailing:

If you're seeking a water adventure that hinges on finesse and strategy, look no further than radio sailing. At Champion Lakes, we sail the International One Metre class, where skill takes centre stage. Whether you're a seasoned yachtie or a newcomer, this sport offers a unique blend of competition and social interaction. Alluringly compact and easily transportable, the 1-meter boats set sail year-round, promising an enthralling experience for all.
For more information go to their website here.

Discover your waterborne passion at Champion Lakes Boating Club, where each ripple in the lake holds a world of exhilaration and camaraderie. Join us for a journey filled with fitness, friendship, and unforgettable moments. Get ready to set sail, paddle, row, and race – the adventure of a lifetime awaits!

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