Knitting, Sewing & Crochet

Loftus Street Stitchers

A community for anyone with a love of embroidery, stitch and textiles. If you like stitching or would like to start stitching, join in and take advantage of the many benefits of spending time with friends and needle and thread.

Knitting, Sewing & Crochet

Colourful blankets for the homeless and needy

The Loftus Street Stitchers have been busy sewing knitted squares together to create colourful blankets for the homeless and needy. This is not their usual occupation as being stitchers they love all types of embroidery.

Members all work on a variety of projects in a variety of stitching techniques, from Cross Stitch to tapestry, Crewel Work and free form stitching.

Embroidery for everyone

The Embroiderer's Guild of WA provide avenues for those aged 8 or over to develop their embroidery and lace making skills. All skill levels are welcome from complete beginners to experienced embroiderers.

There are around 500 Guild members and they learn and practise their embroidery skills in the social and sharing environment of the many groups that meet throughout the Perth metropolitan area and regional WA. Some members belong to more than one group.

The Guild has an extensive and varied workshop programme, a large lending library, and a Historic Textile Collection which is open to members and the public by appointment. The Guild also provides children’s activities during school holidays.

Head over to their website for more information.


Every Tuesday at the Loftus Community Centre.
11.00am – 2.00pm.
The cost is $10.00 a session.

If you are interested, please phone Janine 0401343167.