Historical Groups

Machinery Preservation Club of WA

If you're interested in older machinery that is worthy of preservation and displaying to the public, then join a group of friendly, like-minded people at Machinery Preservation Club.

Historical Groups

Vintage machinery and equipment

The Machinery Preservation Club of WA is a passionate community dedicated to the preservation and celebration of vintage machinery and equipment in Western Australia. Founded by a group of enthusiasts with a shared love for preserving the rich industrial heritage of the region, the club serves as a hub for like-minded individuals to come together, share knowledge, and engage in activities that promote the appreciation of mechanical history.

Welcoming and inclusive environment

With a diverse membership ranging from seasoned collectors to newcomers eager to learn, the club fosters a welcoming and inclusive environment where members can exchange ideas, stories, and expertise related to machinery restoration and maintenance. Whether it's antique tractors, steam engines, or vintage agricultural equipment, the club values each piece of machinery as a tangible link to the past, deserving of care and respect.

Through regular meetings, workshops, and organized events, the Machinery Preservation Club of WA provides ample opportunities for members to showcase their collections, participate in hands-on demonstrations, and collaborate on preservation projects. Additionally, the club actively engages with the broader community through educational outreach initiatives, aiming to inspire future generations to appreciate the significance of historical machinery in shaping the development of industry and agriculture in Western Australia.

Driven by a shared passion for heritage preservation and a commitment to fostering camaraderie among enthusiasts, the Machinery Preservation Club of WA continues to uphold its mission of safeguarding the legacy of vintage machinery for generations to come. Whether you're a seasoned collector or simply curious about the fascinating world of mechanical history, we welcome you to join us in our journey of discovery and appreciation.

Cost of MPC Membership

Initial Join Fee $50 (includes partners if applicable), $10 juniors.
Members require NHMA compulsory Insurance: $20 per year each person.

Community Groups
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