Arts & Crafts Groups

South Perth Arts & Crafts Society

Discover artistic bliss at SPARCS! Join our creative community and unlock your potential in a welcoming and inspiring environment. Unleash your inner artist today!

Arts & Crafts Groups

Unleash your creativity with SPARCS - South Perth's artistic haven!

Are you an art enthusiast looking for a vibrant community to unleash your creativity? Look no further! Welcome to the South Perth Art & Crafts Society Inc. - affectionately known as SPARCS! Get ready to dive into a world of colours, crafts, and camaraderie, where artistic souls come together to create something truly magical.

SPARCS, established in 1983, has been the heartbeat of South Perth's art scene ever since. Its primary aim is to enable local people to engage in various artistic activities, fostering a supportive environment that encourages exploration and artistic growth.

Wondering what goes on during a typical SPARCS meeting? Picture this - enthusiastic members indulging in their chosen artistic interests, ranging from pottery and mosaics to lace making and bookbinding. It's a delightful sight to see creative sparks flying in all directions!

SPARCS understands that life can sometimes interrupt artistic pursuits. That's why most members attend weekly meetings, but everyone is welcome to join and participate as their schedule allows. Whether you're an art aficionado or a casual crafter, there's a place for you at SPARCS.

You'll find SPARCS meetings held at the charming Hazel McDougall House, located at 20 Clydesdale Street, Como. Meeting times vary, depending on the group's activities. 

SPARCS warmly welcomes adults of all ages; there's no age limit when it comes to creativity! The community celebrates diversity and encourages individuals to express their unique artistic flair.

SPARCS is more than just an arts and crafts society; it's a warm, supportive community that celebrates creativity in all its forms. Join today and unleash your imagination at South Perth's artistic haven - SPARCS! For all enquiries, contact Jill at 0417 097 740 or drop her an email at

Join the creative community - become a member!

If you're itching to pick up that paintbrush or dive into the world of crafts, SPARCS is waiting for you. Becoming a member is a breeze - anyone can join, and no nomination is required. Prospective members can come and have a look to see if SPARCS is the perfect fit before committing.

For just $25 annually, you gain access to a lively community of fellow artists. Additionally, each group pays rent for their meeting room, with costs divided among the members. So, not only do you get to explore your artistic side, but you also get to support your creative companions!

Ready to embark on your artistic adventure? For all membership queries, contact Jill at 0417 097 740 or drop her an email at

Arts, Crafts & Culture
Community Groups
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