Community Men's Shed

Station Street Men's Shed

Be part of the Men’s Shed movement. Station Street Men's Shed is a calm & relaxing place for men to get together and have a chat over a cuppa, or around a meaningful community project. It’s great fun and good for your health!

Community Men's Shed

With a mission to foster the health and happiness of its members, Station Street Men's Shed serves as a sanctuary where men can engage in a variety of activities, from woodworking and metalworking to crafts and educational talks. It's a place where skills are honed and shared, where knowledge about health and well-being is disseminated, and where every member contributes to the greater good of the community.

Station Street Men's Shed doors open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays rom 8:30am to 12:00pm., welcoming members to a world of creativity and support.

At Station Street Men's Shed, every tool, every piece of timber, and every shared story weaves into the fabric of a stronger, healthier, and more connected community.

Station Street Men’s Shed Inc. is located within the grounds of CAHRS on the corner of Albany Highway and Station Street, Cannington.  The best entrance is via the Station Street gate 3 at the northern end of the grounds.

Not Accepting New Members

Despite reaching its capacity, the Shed's spirit of inclusivity endures, with a waitlist for those eager to join.