Education & Learning

U3A Swan Hills Region

A worldwide movement aimed at encouraging older people to remain mentally, physically and socially active.

Education & Learning


Swan Hills branch has an exciting program of Guest Speakers at their weekly Friday afternoon meetings at 1:30 PM at North Metropolitan TAFE – Midland Campus, Eddie Barron Drive off Lloyd Street, in Lecture Theatre Block “D” behind the Administration Block “A”. Visitors are always welcome.

Activity Groups: Swan Hills encourages you to join their stimulating and social activities offered to seniors in the Midland and Eastern Hills area.

Brain Games: is held on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 10:00am. Inquiries to Denise on 0417 934 406.

Discussion Group: Meets at 11:30am on the 2nd Friday of each month at the Tafe Lecture Theatre Midland.

Inquiries to Janice on 0437 477 297.

Coffee Morning: meets at 10.00am on the 4th Wednesday of each month at varied venues. Inquiries to Lyn on 0437 477 297.

Study Group: is held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month 10.30am —12noon and is online via Zoom.

Inquiries to Janice on 0437 477 297.

Retro Film Group: Held at a private residence. For time and Dates contact Denise on 0417 934 406.

Mahjong Group: Meets every Thursday at 1:30pm. Inquiries to Catherine on 0400 952 585

Social Lunches: Are held every 5th Wednesday at 12 noon at selected venues. Inquiries to Denise on 0417 934 406