U3A Swan Hills Region
A worldwide movement aimed at encouraging older people to remain mentally, physically and socially active.
Swan Hills branch has an exciting program of Guest Speakers at their weekly Friday afternoon meetings at 1:30 PM at North Metropolitan TAFE – Midland Campus, Eddie Barron Drive off Lloyd Street, in Lecture Theatre Block “D” behind the Administration Block “A”. Visitors are always welcome.
Activity Groups: Swan Hills encourages you to join their stimulating and social activities offered to seniors in the Midland and Eastern Hills area.
Brain Games: is held on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 10:00am. Inquiries to Denise on 0417 934 406.
Discussion Group: Meets at 11:30am on the 2nd Friday of each month at the Tafe Lecture Theatre Midland.
Inquiries to Janice on 0437 477 297.Coffee Morning: meets at 10.00am on the 4th Wednesday of each month at varied venues. Inquiries to Lyn on 0437 477 297.
Study Group: is held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month 10.30am —12noon and is online via Zoom.
Inquiries to Janice on 0437 477 297.Retro Film Group: Held at a private residence. For time and Dates contact Denise on 0417 934 406.
Mahjong Group: Meets every Thursday at 1:30pm. Inquiries to Catherine on 0400 952 585
Social Lunches: Are held every 5th Wednesday at 12 noon at selected venues. Inquiries to Denise on 0417 934 406