Women's Associations & Groups

Zonta Club of Perth Northern Suburbs Inc.

Join a community of women empowering others through service and advocacy. Attend inspiring meetings, get involved in international networks, and help make a difference.

Women's Associations & Groups

Discover a club empowering women and girls

The Zonta Club of Perth Northern Suburbs Inc. is a group of women dedicated to building a better world for women and girls through service and advocacy. Founded in 1981, the club meets on the first Wednesday of each month (excluding December and January) at the Greenwood Hotel in Duncraig. Meetings include inspiring guest speakers covering a variety of topics.

In addition to monthly meetings, the club presents awards and bursaries, including the Young Women in Public Affairs award in August and the Lucy Bohan Nursing Bursary in November. Members are also encouraged to attend area meetings and forums, district conferences, and international conventions to engage in a wider international network of clubs.

Guests are always welcome to join the monthly meetings and support fundraising and event initiatives.

Interested in joining? 

Potential members, of any age, are encouraged to attend a few dinner meetings before considering full membership. There is a joining fee and ongoing annual fee to cover administration costs. All fundraising monies are held in a separate account.
If you are community minded, take pleasure in dining socially and making new friends, listening to interesting speakers, like travel, have skills and talents you would like to share with like-minded people, then perhaps Zonta is your answer!  
For further information refer to their website and Facebook page, or email the club’s secretary via email.

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Women's Associations & Groups

Empowering Women and Girls Dinner Meeting

First Wednesday of the month from 6.30pm to 9.00pm
Empowering Women and Girls Dinner MeetingEmpowering Women and Girls Dinner Meeting