Bombs away! How to make your own bath bombs

Who doesn't love a bath bomb! Making bath bombs is a great indoor activity that will keep the kids busy on a rainy afternoon - and they make a lovely gift for friends and family.

July 24, 2024

Bath bomb ingredients

  • 100g sodium bi-carb

  • 50g citric acid (you can find this in the baking aisle at your local supermarket)

  • 25g cornflour

  • 25g Epsom salts (magnesium salts)

  • 2 tbsp base oil - such as sunflower, coconut or olive oil. If you are using coconut oil, it must be melted first.

  • ¼ tsp essential oil, such as orange, lavender or chamomile 

  • A few drops of liquid food colouring 

You will also need

  • Mixing bowl

  • Whisk

  • Flexible moulds


  1. Place the sodium bi-carb, citric acid, cornflour and Epsom/magnesium salts in a bowl, then whisk thoroughly until combined.

  2. Pour the base oil, essential oil and food colouring into a small bowl. Mix well, combining the oil and colour as much as you can.

  3. Add the oil mixture into the dry ingredients a little at a time, whisking in between.

  4. When all the oil is added, add a few drops of water and whisk again (it will fizz when you add the water, so mix it in quickly). The mixture should slightly clump together when pressed in your hand and keep its shape. It shouldn't be too wet.

  5. Pack your mixture tightly into your chosen mould, pressing down and smoothing out the top with a teaspoon.

  6. Leave your bath bombs in the moulds to dry for 4 hours or overnight, then carefully remove them. They're now ready to drop into the bath and fizz away!

Bath bombs don't have to be round!

You can use anything flexible as a mould for your bath bombs. Have fun looking around your home or thinking of things you could use. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Yogurt pots

  • Plastic packaging from toys

  • Silicone ice cube trays

  • Silicone cupcake trays and cases

  • Cut an old tennis ball in half

  • Plastic cookie cutters (place them on a tray) such as heart or star shapes

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