CWA Melville-Fremantle

Meetings - Beaconsfield

Third Thursday of the month at 6.30pm

Be active in your local community, meet fantastic women from all over the state and learn new skills.

Definitely not just tea and scones!

At CWA Melville-Fremantle, there will be an interest for all women, of all ages and abilities. You can do many things under the umbrella of CWA and there are lots of benefits for you and your community.

As well as enjoying the fellowship of other women, they get involved in local and international community projects.

For example they make fiddle rugs for aged care facilities, make and send feelie hearts and trauma teddies to hospitals, and also crochet rugs and knit beanies for the homeless. They help charities such as the Royal Flying Doctor, Wheelchairs for kids, Salvation Army, Bush Fire Appeals and lots more.

Event Details

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70 Shepherd Street, Beaconsfield, WA
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Third Thursday of the month at 6.30pm
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