Riverton Masters Swimming Club

Club Training

Mondays and Wednesdays 7.00pm to 8.00pm all year round

Riverton Masters Swimming Club invites over 18s to come along and join the club. Meet new friends while staying fit and having fun.

Fitness, friendship, and fun!

The club trains at Riverton Leisureplex on a Monday and Wednesday (in a heated 50m pool) from 7.00pm -8.00pm all year round and is always on the lookout for new members, young and old.

You must be 18 or over, and there is no upper limit! You must also be able to swim 50 metres unaided, but don’t have to be a fast or a strong swimmer. Members need only do as much as they are comfortable with, and a coach is available to help with stroke technique (on request).

Club members can also participate in organised distance swims of 400m, 800m and 1500m; as well as inter-club pool meets involving events from 25m to 200m in all strokes. During summer, there is also the opportunity for members to participate in organised open water swims in the ocean, lakes and rivers.

The membership fee does not cover the pool entry fee on each visit – these fees are the responsibility of individual members. For convenience, multi-pass entry cards are available on enquiry at the Leisureplex reception counter.

For more information about the Riverton Masters Swimming Club, contact either of the members below:

Graeme – telephone mobile 0419 127 459

Barbara – telephone 9332 6647 (a/h)

You can also email the Club at: info@rivertonmasters.com.au

Event Details

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Riverton Leisureplex, 67 Riley Rd, Riverton 6148
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Mondays and Wednesdays 7.00pm to 8.00pm all year round
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