Stay updated with local events happening in Scarborough and Doubleview. Explore a wide range of events, from festivals and markets to sports and community gatherings. Find exciting activities and happenings in your area to join and enjoy.

Line Dance Legends
Beginners Plus - Line Dancing for Seniors
Recurring Event
Wednesdays from 10.00am to 11.00am

Are you ready to dance your way to joy and health? Look no further than Line Dance Legends' weekly lessons tailored for seniors and dance enthusiasts of all ages.

Zonta Club of Perth Northern Suburbs Inc.
Empowering Women and Girls Dinner Meeting
Recurring Event
First Wednesday of the month from 6.30pm to 9.00pm

Join us each month for inspiring guest speakers and the opportunity to empower women and girls through service and advocacy.

Karrinyup Anglican Church
English as an additional language classes
Recurring Event
Fridays from 9.00am to 12 noon during school terms.

Improve your English skills in a fun and friendly environment. Our class is open to everyone, including visitors, refugees, and migrants.

Even Keel Bipolar Support Group
Even Keel Bipolar Zoom Support
Recurring Event
Wednesday evenings at 6.30pm

Bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety? You are not alone. Even Keel runs Informal, non-judgemental and friendly mental health support meetings weekly online.

Lake Gwelup Christian Church
Recurring Event
Meets on 1st, 3rd & 5th Tuesday of the month from 9.30am

Come join Friends, where joy, engaging activities, and genuine connections thrive. Regardless of age, you're invited to a heartwarming community that values friendship.

Karrinyup Anglican Church
Karrinyup Mainly Music
Recurring Event
Every Tuesday from 9.45am to 11.30am (school terms)

Calling all little music lovers! Get ready to dance, sing, and play at Karrinyup Mainly Music! Join our friendly preschool program, meet new friends and have a blast!

Lake Gwelup Christian Church
Mainly Music
Recurring Event
Mondays from 10.00am to 11.30am

Join Mainly Music at Lake Gwelup for joyful sessions blending music, play, and community bonding. Perfect for 0-4 year olds and caregivers.

Lake Gwelup Christian Church
Men's coffee morning
Recurring Event
Last Friday of the month from 10.00am

Energise your mornings with the Men's Coffee Morning! Join us for engaging conversations, hearty laughter, and an atmosphere that's all about building connections.

Tai Chi Internal Arts
North Beach Classes
Recurring Event
Monday and Wednesday

Tai Chi Regular/Qigong and Tai Chi/Qigong Beginners

Lake Gwelup Christian Church
Rug Up stitching warmth and hope
Recurring Event
2nd & 4th Thursday of the month from 9.30am

Craft cozy wonders for charity with Rug Up! Join in and knit or crochet with heart for those in need. Unite your craft for good.

Stirling Farmers Market
Your local community farmers market
Recurring Event
Every Sunday from 7.30am to 11.30am

Find fresh, local produce on your doorstep every Sunday come rain or shine!
