Aloe Vera
First on the list is Aloe Vera, known for its easy care and numerous health benefits. It loves the indirect light and warmth that your bathroom likely offers.
Aloe Vera is famous for its gel, which can soothe cuts, burns, and skin irritations and can help purify the air by removing common household toxins. Plus, its water-storing capabilities mean it's forgiving if you forget to water it now and then!
Bamboo Palm
This plant adds a bit of tropical flair to your bathroom, and it's great for creating a natural, stress-reducing environment. It doesn't need a lot of light and it's a champ at removing chemical contaminants from the air. This plant likes its soil to be lightly moist and can grow quite tall, so make sure it has room to stretch upwards!
Boston Fern
Boston Ferns love the humidity of bathrooms and are among the best plants for removing indoor air pollutants which can help make your bathroom a healthier place to breathe. Plus, their lush, green fronds can turn any bathroom into a mini rainforest retreat. Bliss!
Devil's Ivy
(Reportedly!) almost impossible to kill (bonus!), this plant is ideal for those of us who weren't naturally gifted with a green thumb. They remove impurities and provide great amounts of oxygen to the space they’re in.
Orchids might seem a bit fancy and hard to care for, but they're well-suited for bathroom life. They thrive in high humidity and filtered light, making your bathroom an ideal spot. Orchids can help improve your indoor air quality and add a touch of elegance to your bathroom. Plus, their beautiful blooms can give you a mental health boost, adding a bit of joy and colour to your daily routine.
Peace Lily
The peace lily is not only beautiful, with its glossy leaves and white blooms, but it's also a powerhouse when it comes to purifying the air. It can help reduce the levels of mould spores that thrive in humid environments by absorbing them through its leaves and circulating them to its roots where they are used as food. In addition to this, peace lilies can help neutralise harmful volatile organic compounds (VOCs) like benzene and formaldehyde. Plus, they're known to improve indoor air quality, which can be beneficial for those with allergies or respiratory problems.
Spider Plant
The Spider Plant is another excellent air purifier. It tackles carbon monoxide and other impurities, making your bathroom air fresher and cleaner to breathe. It's incredibly easy to grow and maintain, thriving in a variety of conditions, and it doesn't mind the occasional neglect. Its cascading leaves can add a lovely touch of greenery, and it's safe if you have pets that might sneak in for a nibble.
Snake Plant
The Snake Plant also known as ‘Mother-in-Law's Tongue’, is a tough plant that can survive with minimal care. It's an excellent choice for the bathroom because it can thrive in low light and humid conditions. Snake plants are known for their ability to filter out air pollutants and convert CO2 into oxygen at night, making your bathroom air cleaner and fresher.
Zanzibar Plant
Also known as ZZ plant or zamioculcas zamiifolia, it has small but wide, dark green, glossy leaves that zig-zag up tall, slender stems. The plant has air purifying qualities too, removing volatile organic compounds benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene.
This obviously isn’t a complete list of plants that are great for your bathroom – but it’s a few to get you started.
If you have young children, dogs or cats, you should also make sure that the plants you choose are safe for them too.