
Why cats should be fit, not fat!

Ever think about portion sizes when feeding your cat? It should be about the size of a mouse (not a lot) so there’s a good chance you are over feeding them without even realising.

April 2, 2024

While it's perfectly normal for cats to clock in around 15 hours of sleep daily (a nod to their wild ancestors who conserved energy for hunting) our indoor furballs don't really hunt beyond the occasional sprint to the food bowl. And with the added ease of life indoors, coupled with a bit too much food-shaped love, you might find yourself with a bit of a fat cat.

Keep them lean

A healthy weight allows your furry friend to be more active, playful, and comfortable. Overweight cats can struggle with basic grooming, leading to matted fur and other hygiene issues. It can also affect their mood – ever noticed how grumpy someone can get when they're not feeling great? Same goes for cats! Keeping them lean means they're more likely to be their happy, purring selves.

The ideal weight

It's not just about the numbers on a scale.

  • You should be able to feel your cat’s ribs with a little fat coverage, but if your cat is overweight you might struggle to feel them.

  • An overweight cat may have a rounded belly when you look at them from the side, whereas a cat who is a healthy weight will have a slight tuck just after their ribs.

  • Looking down at your cat, do they get bigger round the middle? A healthy cat will go in slightly at the waist.

  • Check the paws – extra padding is a telltale sign of obesity.

  • You should never be able to see your cat’s spine, but for a healthy cat you’ll be able to feel it under a thin covering of fat. If your cat is overweight, you may not be able to feel it at all.

If you’re unsure, it’s best to ask your vet as they can weigh your cat properly and tell you how much they should weigh.

The good news? It's not too hard to help your cat reach a healthier size.

Bored eating

Ever raided the snacks cupboard just because you’re bored? Boredom is one of the big reasons a cat might eat when they’re not really hungry.

Move it, move it!

Food puzzles are a great way to get in some exercise while hunting for that elusive food. It's a win-win: Your cat gets a workout chasing around the toy and eats in smaller portions.

Toy rotation

Cats can tire of their toys. Keep their interest by rotating and hiding toys, encouraging active search and play sessions.

Ditch the automatic dry food dispenser

Letting your cat help themselves to food may seem more convenient but it’s the equivalent of letting a kid run wild in a lolly shop! They won’t stop eating even when they’re full. Plus, dry food is packed with carbs, which cats don't handle well, and lacks the moisture they need to avoid painful urinary tract infections.

Feeding smarts

Stick to the recommended food portions and limit treats. Consider your cat's life stage and health when choosing their diet, and always keep fresh water available.

Remember, every cat is unique. What's a healthy weight for one might not be right for another. That's why it's important to work closely with your vet to determine the best diet and exercise plan for your cat. They can help you set realistic goals and provide guidance on how to reach them safely and effectively.

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