During the warmer months, the average household air conditioner runs for 4.3 hours per day - which can add a significant amount to your household bills.
The right size
First things first, make sure you have the right sized unit for your space. If it's too small, it won't cool the room sufficiently and will be a waste of energy. If it's too big, it will use more energy than is necessary.
The right place
If your thermostat is placed on an exterior wall or near a window, it can register an incorrect reading and your air conditioner will work harder than it needs to. You could also upgrade to a smart thermostat which can help you regulate your temperature more carefully.
Ceiling/roof insulation
The roof is the area with the largest potential to absorb or lose heat. This can be fixed by installing the right insulation.
Service your air conditioner regularly
Making sure your air conditioner is well maintained and that the filters are clean can go a long way in saving money on your energy bill. If your air conditioner has dust, dirt, and debris in it or has a faulty part, it won't be running efficiently.
Upgrade to an energy efficient air conditioner
If you haven't upgraded your air conditioner in the past 10-15 years, it could be time for a replacement. Over time, your old air conditioner becomes more and more inefficient through normal wear and tear. When it comes to choosing a new air conditioner, look at the energy rating.
Stop air conditioning your street!
Block any cool air escape routes to keep the cool air in, and warm air out. Check around your home and see where you can make some improvements, such as:
Installing curtains and blinds, and keeping them closed on hot days. This will also help to keep the temperature inside your home more consistent.
If you have a split system, close the doors to areas you aren't using so your unit doesn't have to work so hard and use more energy.
Seal any gaps around windows and doors where cold air can escape.
Keep the air con temperature consistent
Don't keep adjusting the temperature on your air conditioning unit. Every degree cooler you go, will cost you money. A good rule of thumb is to keep your temp at 24C for a 35-degree day.
Save while you sleep
Firstly, the evening air is naturally cooler, so you can take advantage of that by turning off the air conditioning and opening a window. If there is a breeze open windows or doors on both sides of your house (making sure your home is still secure) to allow it to flow through.
On particularly hot nights, if you do run your air conditioner, it doesn't need to be as cold as it is during the day. Some units have a night setting, so use that if you have one. If not, make it a couple of degrees less cold overnight.
Turn off heat emitting appliances
We're obviously not talking about your fridge, but there are other culprits.
Turn on a lamp instead of an overhead light.
Computers emit a lot of heat, so turn those off and unplug when not being used, along with any gaming units.
Try not to use the oven - have a barbecue dinner instead.
Use a fan
Not only are they cheap to run, but they also produce the lowest greenhouse gas emissions out of all cooling products and reduce the temperature of a room by as much as three degrees. Make sure to check your fan's power consumption efficiency before buying. A ceiling fan can also maximise the cooling power of your air conditioner.
Switch to LED lighting
Incandescent bulbs release 90% of their energy as heat and use more electricity than LED bulbs. Change your lighting to LED to help you save energy and give off less heat.
More simple tips to reduce your power bill