Medication packs make managing your medication easy

Do you ever struggle with remembering to take your medication or keeping track of all your vitamins? If you do, we’ve got some great news: A medication pack can help!

March 2, 2023

So, what exactly is a medication pack?

It's like a fancy blister pack that holds all your regular medication – usually for a week, fortnight or a month. Every little blister is labelled with the medication's name, dosage, and when you need to take it. It's a simple and safe way to keep track of everything without juggling a load of pill bottles and packets.

Who can use a medication pack?

Anyone! They are especially helpful for older or disabled people who may struggle with memory or dexterity issues when it comes to taking medication. But, contrary to popular belief, they’re not the only people to find them useful!  

They are used by a wide range of people, including school children on regular medication, travellers and health enthusiasts taking multiple supplements, and they’re also great for busy people who need their pills on the go.  

The good news is that medication packs are available at most pharmacies and some even offer a service where they'll deliver it straight to your door.


  • Prevents accidental overuse or misuse
  • Keeps your medications secure
  • Easy to administer your medication
  • Easy to take wherever you go
  • Saves you both time and energy  

If you're interested in getting a medication pack for yourself or a loved one, be sure to speak to your pharmacist to see if it's the right choice for you. It could make a big difference in helping you stay organised and on track with your medication.


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