
Are you overloading your power outlets?

Every power outlet in your home is designed to deliver a certain amount of energy, but when this amount of energy is exceeded, a range of problems can occur, including damaged appliances, tripped circuit breakers and electrical fires.

November 25, 2021

Here are 2 common ways you may be overloading your electrical circuits

Power hungry appliances

The most common cause of electrical overload is by plugging too many appliances into the one circuit. Some appliances draw more power than others, so you should spread your appliances around your home, rather than having them connected in one place.  

Appliances that draw high levels of energy include:

Hair dryers

Washing machines


Fridges & freezers

Tumble dryers

Power boards

Power boards can turn a single electrical outlet, which usually holds one or two plugs, into one that can accommodate multiple plugs. This might sound like a great idea, but these are often misused.

Never plug one power board into another (this is known as daisy chaining) or use an adaptor on a power board (‘piggy backing’) as this is a fire hazard. Power boards are meant to be a temporary solution and should never be used long-term.

The best solution is to call an electrician and have more power points installed in your home or change your single power outlets into doubles or quads.

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