Tidy tech: Simple ways to organise your computer folders and files

If you spend way too much time trawling through files and folders looking for something on your computer (and could have sworn you put it ‘there’!) we have some simple tips to get everything organised.

April 12, 2024

Start with a clean up

Before organising, you need a clean slate. Go through your files and folders and delete anything you no longer need. This includes duplicate files, old documents you'll never look at again, and those downloads you forgot about. Think of it as digital decluttering and it will save time organising stuff you don't actually need.

Plan, plan, plan

Next, plan your perfect digital space. For your folders, think broad categories that make sense to you — a bit like having separate drawers for work, personal stuff, and maybe hobbies (and a ‘To Sort’ folder is always handy to put those items that don’t have a home yet). Make a list, or draw a diagram of what you’ve decided. When you can see it all written down, it will start to make complete sense!

Create a simple folder structure

Imagine your computer as a digital filing cabinet. Just as you wouldn't throw all your papers into one drawer, don't lump all your files together. Create a basic structure that suits how you work or think.

Next, create those main folders and their subfolders - a bit like a family tree.

For example:

  • Financial Documents (main folder): Taxes, Bills, Investments (sub folders)

  • Media (main folder): Photos, Videos, Music (sub folders)

  • Tax Returns (main folder): 2021, 2022, 2023 etc. (sub folders)

Remember, the goal is to make it easy for your future self to find things, so keep it as simple as you need.

Desktop declutter

Your desktop can sometimes become a dumping ground for things that don’t have a ‘home’ on your computer. Grab all those loose files and put them into the ‘To Sort’ folder you’ve just created.

Name your stuff

Naming your files and folders properly is crucial. Use clear, descriptive names and, if necessary, include dates (in a consistent format like Name plus DD-MM-YYYY). This not only helps you but also others who might need to navigate your files.

Use folders within folders

Don't be afraid to create folders within folders. This is especially useful for projects or categories that have multiple components. For example, within your Photos folder, you might have folders for Family, Holidays, Pets and so on. Just be careful not to go too deep with subfolders, or you might get lost down a rabbit hole!

Bonus Tips

  • Shortcuts are your friends! For folders or files you use frequently, create shortcuts on your desktop (which will be nice and clear after your desktop declutter!). This keeps them at your fingertips without cluttering up your space.

  • Archive, don’t hoard: If you have files you want to keep but don’t necessarily need to be on hand, archive them. This can be on an external hard drive or using cloud storage. It's like packing away seasonal clothes to make room in your wardrobe.

  • Maintenance is key: Don’t let all your hard work go to waste – once it’s organised, it’s easy to maintain. Set a recurring reminder (monthly or quarterly) to go through your files and folders. Delete what you no longer need, archive old projects, and ensure everything is where it should be. This will prevent clutter from building up again and landing back at square one.

  • Back up! Last but certainly not least, make sure you have a backup system in place. Whether it's an external hard drive or a cloud storage service, regularly backing up your files makes sure that you're protected against data loss due to hardware failure, theft, or accidents.

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