How to do a digital declutter

There’s been lots of information around over the past few years about how to declutter your home. But what about your digital stuff? Here are some helpful tips for a successful digital declutter.

October 6, 2023

Email inbox

  • Begin by unsubscribing from those newsletters you never read! 

  • How to organise your email inbox

  • Don't forget to delete those ancient emails that are just taking up space (such as that party invitation from 2018!).

Social media

  • Whether it's Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat or TikTok (or any of the many platforms out there) review your friends and the people you follow and unfollow accounts that no longer interest you. 

  • Also review your privacy settings and delete any posts you’re not happy with.

  • You can also turn off notifications so you’re not being constantly bombarded with information.


  • Sort out your photos – whether they are on your phone, computer, or tablet. I mean, do you really need that blurry photo from three years ago?

  • Delete duplicates and things you'll never use again. You'll be amazed at how much space you can free up.

Here are some helpful tips to organise the photos on your phone – the same system can be used for any of your devices.

Computer files

Whether it’s your bills, receipts, or things you are keeping ‘just in case’:

  • Create files and sub files (a bit like a family tree).

  • If you find you have the same documents in different places, delete the extras and only keep one. 

Doing this means things will be much easier to find, and less clutter means your computer will probably speed up. Bonus! 


Most people’s phones are jam packed with apps they rarely use. Just like a ‘real life’ declutter – if you haven’t used something for a while – delete it. A clean, organised home screen will make you feel calmer and is much more functional. It frees up space and reduces distractions.

Before you go on a digital decluttering spree, make sure to back up your important data. You never know when you might need it. Cloud storage or an external hard drive will do the trick.

Remember, digital decluttering is not a one-time task but an ongoing process. When you get an email or a message – deal with it straight away by either filing it in the right place or deleting it. This way, the digital clutter won’t start to take over again. 

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