Prepare your cat for their first Cattery visit

If you want to go away on holiday but don’t have anyone to look after your cat, there’s a good chance that at some stage they will visit a cattery. Here’s how you can prepare for their first visit.

April 29, 2021

Do your research

  • Start looking well before you are due to go away. It may take time to find a place you and your cat will be happy with.
  • Visit the cattery to meet the staff and check out the facilities.  
  • Make sure you are happy with the boarding areas and the general condition of the facility.  
  • Find out what sorts of daily procedures they have in place for food and water, exercising, cleaning and observation of the cats in their care.
  • Enquire if they have a vet clinic they routinely use in the case of emergencies.  

Vaccinations and medication

  • Ask about vaccination and any other requirements that must be met prior to boarding. They may require certificates to prove your cat has been vaccinated.
  • Vaccinate (if required) your pet at least 2-3 weeks before as immunity can take time to develop.  
  • Ensure heartworm, intestinal worming and flea treatments are up to date.
  • Provide the boarding facility with an outline of your pet’s medical history and any current medication.  

Pack a bag

Pack a bag for your pet’s holiday, just as you would your own. Include items such as bedding and familiar toys.  

This way, you can go away knowing that your cat will be well looked after and you can both have a great time!

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