Mornings can be tough, especially if you're not naturally an early riser. But starting your day full of energy is a game-changer—it can boost your productivity, mood, and overall well-being.
Here are some tried-and-tested ways to help you kick off your morning feeling fresh and ready to conquer the day!
Get a good night’s sleep
This is a bit of a no brainer, but not everyone manages it.
Make it a point to sleep early and ensure that your body gets at least 8 hours of rest before you start the day.
Try to go to bed at roughly the same time each day.
Avoid screens for at least one hour before bedtime.
Have a relaxing bath before you go to bed.
Make sure you have a comfortable mattress and a good quality pillow.
Be like Goldilocks and make sure your room isn’t too hot or too cold!
Try waking up at the same time every day, even on weekends. Your body will thank you for the consistency!
Plan ahead for a smooth start
Lay out your outfit, pack your bag, and jot down a quick to-do list the night before. You'll breeze through your morning without feeling rushed. Start with a clear idea of what needs to be accomplished first. Ticking off a crucial task early boosts productivity.
Get moving!
Exercising first thing in the morning has many benefits but if this really doesn’t appeal, you can do some gentle stretching or go for a brisk walk around the block. The basic idea is to move around and energise your body.
Read or listen
Feed your mind with some good vibes by listening to a short motivational podcast or reading a few pages from an uplifting book.
Drink water
Drink a glass of water when you wake up in the morning before you do anything else. This can really help you feel fresher and full of energy to begin your day. When you drink water, it stimulates other organs and systems in the body, and may encourage a more wakeful state. Some people prefer a glass of warm water, or water with lemon.
Use music to lift your mood
Create a playlist of your favourite upbeat tunes. Whether you're into pop, rock, or something chill, the right music can make getting ready a joyful experience.
The right breakfast
Starting your day with a nutritious breakfast can really make a difference. Look up some healthy breakfast recipe ideas such as low sugar granola with fruit or overnight oats. Fatigue fighting foods include fresh fruit (particularly bananas) and vegetables, nuts and seeds, oats, yoghurt with no added sugar, eggs, and wholegrain bread.
Cold shower
While warm showers tend to relax the body and mind, cold showers in the morning may energise and invigorate. If you’re not keen on the cold shower thing, just splash your face with cold water.
Natural light
Spend a few minutes outside, even if it's just on your balcony or verandah. Natural light and fresh air can help regulate your circadian rhythm and uplift your spirits.
Finally, don’t hit the snooze button. It's tempting, but those extra minutes usually make you groggier. Set your alarm a little later if needed and jump out of bed when it rings.