Special Offer

60-minute full body massage - $80 Off peak special - $70

Unplug, relax, and unwind at A1 Massage with 60-minute full body massage for only $80. Save even more with their off peak special from 9-11am & 4-6pm - just $70!

Offer valid from
November 15, 2023
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Offer details

A full-body massage is like a mini-vacation for your body, working out all the kinks and knots, leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. It's not just a treat for the muscles; it's a boost for your mental wellbeing, helping to melt away stress and anxiety, making you feel like you're walking on air. Save with a 60-minute full body massage - $80 or enjoy A1 Massage off peak special from 9-11am and 4-6pm - $70 

Redeem your offer

To take advantage of the special offer, fill out your contact details on the form below and we will send you an email with a personalised voucher that you can use to redeem the offer. Mention Little Aussie Communities and your voucher at the time of quote or purchase.

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Thank you for claiming your special offer! You should have received an email from us with your unique voucher code. If you don't see it in your inbox, please check your spam or junk folder and mark our email as safe. To redeem your offer, follow the instructions in the email and enjoy your reward.
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Terms and conditions

  • Special offer is valid for 30 days from date of issue unless otherwise stated.
  • Not valid with any other offers or discounts.
  • The coupon code has no cash value and no refunds or cash alternative will be offered. 

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