Have you ever considered donating plasma? While many of us are aware of blood donation, plasma donation is another equally vital way to help save lives.

Ahhh, those promises we make to ourselves as the fireworks sparkle on NYE! But fast-forward a few weeks (or even few days), and many of us are already groaning at words like ‘gym’ or ‘budget’. Sound familiar? Join the club! Here are a few tips to prepare and stay on course.

Share the Dignity's annual campaign, It’s In The Bag, is all about spreading kindness and restoring dignity for women and girls experiencing hardship. It's returning for 2024 with a focus on spreading more love than ever before.

First things first, ‘what is Buy Nothing New month?’ I hear you ask! Well, it's a one-month challenge to buy nothing new (apart from essentials like food, hygiene and medicines)! Here’s a bit more info and how you can get involved.

This Father's Day, rather than buying your dad things that he doesn't really need, why not make some new memories with him instead. We have lots of great ideas to get you started for dads of all ages.

As tax time rolls around, it's important to be extra vigilant about scams. Scammers are getting increasingly sophisticated, so here's some advice to help you stay safe.

With storm season just around the corner, we have a few tips about the do’s and don’ts of calling the State Emergency Service to help out.

Unfortunately, scams and frauds are becoming increasingly common. Consumer Protection has developed WA ScamNet as one method to combat this ever-increasing problem. Here’s how you can help.

Some mums would love to spend more time with their loved ones on Mother's Day, others might prefer to have some time to themselves! Either way, here's how you can give the priceless gift of time.

On ANZAC Day, all Australians are encouraged to reflect on contributions all service men and women have made for more than a century since the First World War. Here are some of the events taking place in Perth.

We’re all familiar with leap years when that mysterious extra day in February arrives. But have you ever wondered why?

It's simple. Knowing your neighbours makes your neighbourhood safer. You don't have to be best buddies, but research has shown that being good neighbours reduces crime and makes people happier. Here are a few suggestions to get started.

However you plan to spend the public holiday, here are a few family-friendly, free events that you can enjoy before the kids head off back to school in a few days.

If you kicked off the year with a New Year's resolution, but idea is fading already – you’re not alone! Research shows that 23% of people quit their New Year's Resolution by the end of the first week, and 43% are done by the end of January! Here are a few tips for success!

It's backyard cricket season! The rules are often a bit sketchy and change from family to family, so whether you're playing with family, friends or neighbours, here are a few popular rules to get you started and save a few arguments!

Many families struggle financially at Christmas. So why not organise a shopping trip to buy a gift for a stranger this Christmas? There's still time!

Lighting up the City and Northbridge for 47 nights with 22 amazing light installations; you can walk the full trail or take the new family-friendly route, ‘The Merry Mile’.

Our lives would be very different if it wasn't for our service men and women. Each year, at 11am on November 11th, Australians pause for one minute's silence in memory of all those who have died in wars, conflicts and peace operations around the world.

The Garage Sale Trail is Australia's awesome festival of second-hand treasures, and it's all about giving your stuff a second chance or hunting for those hidden gems!

You’ve probably driven over it countless times while going about your daily life, but how much do you really know about our very own Swan River?

It's on our doorstep, but here's some interesting information about Kings Park that you may not know!

Studies have shown that walking helps with everything from losing weight and lowering blood pressure, to reducing the risks of heart disease and depression (not to mention the benefits of having a good old chin wag with friends!).

With Father's Day just around the corner, why not forget about the usual gifts this year and make Father’s Day super special with things that money can’t buy. We’ve got some great ideas for dads of all ages, to get you started.

Looking for ways to connect with your community? Try starting a street book club!

The clue is in the name – community centres are all about providing a place for the community to connect and socialise. They’re multi-purpose hubs that offer different things for different people.

Do you fancy a fun-filled day where you can declutter, find new treasures, and connect with your community? Here’s how to do it (and as a bonus it won’t cost you a cent!).

Are you looking for a way to give back to your community while also getting to know some amazing people? Look no further than volunteering as a Community Transport Driver with St John Ambulance in Perth, Western Australia.

Prices seem to be constantly rising, and just in case you’re feeling the pinch we have some great Mother’s Day ideas that she’ll love and won’t break the bank.

This year, RSLWA’s full-service returns with the Kings Park Dawn Service; the Gunfire Breakfast at Government House; the March through the CBD; the all-inclusive Sunset Service and the Commemorative Service at Perth Concert Hall.

If you’re looking for a fun way to stay active, meet new people, and challenge yourself - joining a sports team is the perfect solution.

Do you love gardening? Or do you fancy giving it a go, but don’t know where to start? Maybe you are looking for a hobby where you can connect with your local community? (So many questions!). Well, you need look no further than joining a community garden!

Volunteering for Meals on Wheels is a hugely rewarding experience. You are helping to make sure the vulnerable people in your local community eat well and stay socially connected - making a real difference, every day.
After the excesses of Christmas, we see the New Year as a fresh start and vow to do all those things we’ve been putting off (like getting fit!). Unfortunately, most of us pick unrealistic goals and have given up by the end of January.

And in the blink of an eye, Halloween is here again. If you are taking part in Halloween activities this year, here are a few ‘rules’ you might like to follow to make it an enjoyable time for everyone.

Sharing the road can be stressful for both motor vehicle drivers and cyclists – but there are a few things everyone can do to make sure we all travel in harmony!

Charity shops are run by volunteers and without them, they wouldn’t be able to operate, so they are always on the lookout for extra help. Whether it’s a few hours or a couple of days each week, it all makes a difference.

Research has shown driving more slowly makes streets safer for all road users and pedestrians, contributes to more connected communities, reduces greenhouse gas emissions and only has a minor impact on average journey times. Despite this, many drivers are still driving too fast in residential areas.

Great news for those who are keen to give blood but couldn’t because they lived in England between 1980 and 1996. The ban has been lifted, so you’re good to go!

If you like the idea of supporting charities, but also want to help your community, here’s how you can find charity or not-for-profit organisations in your local area.

Sunday is the start of Library & Information week, so there’s never been a better excuse to join your local library. These days they are like an Aladdin’s cave, filled with a treasure trove of goodies; and the best news is, most of it’s free!

With rising prices, food charities are becoming overwhelmed with requests for help, but you can do something to help at a local level. Here’s how to get together with your neighbours and make a food donation to those who need it.

It’s citrus season and most people won’t use everything they grow, even from just one tree. So, why not take any excess you have and share it with your community.

Most people can find half an hour in their day to spare, so why not do something that will be great for your community and will take under 30 minutes of your time.

Men’s Shed groups are an updated version of the shed in the backyard that has long been a part of Australian culture. Here’s why it’s a great idea to take a look.

Everyone is welcome to join in, whether you walk, jog, run, volunteer, or spectate. parkrun™ is a positive, welcoming, and inclusive experience where there is no time limit, and no one finishes last.
Whether you are arranging Mother’s Day gifts from young children or need something for your own mum, here are 8 easy-to-organise ideas she’ll love.

In line with the current COVID-19 pandemic climate, RSLWA has had to make the difficult decision not to deliver the traditional Kings Park Dawn Service and remove public participation for 2022. Here is some information from RSLWA and how you can still commemorate our veterans.

The Easter break is coming and at some stage we will want to know when the shops will be open. This year, the State Government has approved four extra hours of trading on Easter Monday for general retail shops in the Perth metropolitan area.

Now that restrictions are back in WA, our local cafes and restaurants have reduced capacity. Here are 9 simple ways to show your support.

It’s a bit of an uncertain time in Perth and some of our friends, family or neighbours may have to isolate (or just want to avoid crowded places). Here’s what you can do to help.

It takes over two thousand dedicated SES volunteers from across the state to provide emergency assistance 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Here’s how you can put your hand up and help out.

Having a baby can be quite overwhelming, and most parents will need help and support. But don’t panic, you’re not on your own! The great news is that your local child health centre is a valuable source of expert help, information, and advice.
The sun is starting to make an appearance and with it, PYO strawberry season! It’s the perfect chance to give the farmers a hand and take home a tray or two of plump, delicious and mouth-watering strawberries.

Does Christmas fill you with festive cheer or festive stress? At this time of year, we’re bombarded with images of the perfect family Christmas. But you don’t have to buy into all the hype. We’ve put together a few tips to help you have a fun and relaxing holiday season without the stress.

Street parties are a great way to catch up with neighbours and even meet a few new ones. But how do you get started? Read on!

It can be daunting moving to a new street or neighbourhood – so why not make a new neighbour’s life a little easier and try some of these helpful tips to make them feel welcome.

If you have some spare time on your hands, why not volunteer at your local school to help those children who may be struggling with their reading. You can make a real difference. Here’s why.

On a Saturday and a Sunday all over Perth, you’ll find local farmer's markets. They are an ideal opportunity to catch up with friends and neighbours, while meeting some of the people who actually produce your food.

Taking a first aid course run by a highly qualified medical, health or emergency services professional teaches you lifesaving skills and gives you the confidence to know when and how to act in an emergency.

This year, RSLWA’s full service returns with the Kings Park Dawn Service; the Gunfire Breakfast at Government House; the March through the CBD; and the Commemorative Service at Perth Concert Hall.
With two public holidays on Good Friday and Easter Monday, the Easter extra-long weekend is an opportunity to spend time with family and friends. Here are some great low-cost ideas to get out and about (or just stay at home).
Most people genuinely want to do the right thing when it comes to recycling, but when items have to be taken to a specialist collection place (such as batteries) it takes a bit more effort. Here's how you can help.

Gardening can be expensive, but there is a great way to lower the cost by sharing excess plants and cuttings with neighbours in your street.

Most of us take our hometown for granted. But if we take the time to do a bit of exploring as tourists do, we could discover things new and exciting things right under our nose. You’ll also be helping out businesses that rely on tourism.

Whether your child is starting a new school this year or returning to an old one, there are many ways you can get involved and make some new friends in the process!

The usual fireworks display may have been cancelled this year, but Australia Day is a great opportunity to get together with family and friends.

Whether you love Christmas, aren’t too keen, or fall somewhere in between, some moments can be quite stressful. Here are some helpful ideas to get you through the Christmas season.

It’s beginning to feel like Christmas and if gift shopping brings you out in a cold sweat, we’ve got a great idea for you to try.

Here’s how you can spread some joy for those less fortunate this Christmas (and you won’t even have to get out of your car!). Foodbank is a not-for-profit, non-denominational organisation operating in every state and territory in Australia. Donated food will help feed families in need across WA this Christmas.
WA Health supports individuals participating in COVID-safe Halloween celebrations.
Help your child to release their inner entrepreneur by having a cupcake stall at home. It’s a great way for them to make some pocket money or donate to charity.
Litter can have a negative impact your sense of community and safety, not to mention making an area look messy and uncared for. Research also shows that areas where litter is a problem can lead to other antisocial behaviour such as graffiti and vandalism.
Neighbours are important because good relationships with others can transform communities. Social connection also makes us feel better as it helps prevent loneliness, isolation and depression.
Forget the socks and undies! This year give your dad something money can’t buy. Here are some great Father’s Day ideas that won’t cost a cent.
If you have citrus trees in your garden, chances are you’ve got excess fruit. So why not have a marmalade-making session and share the joy by giving neighbours a jar to enjoy.

Kids love it when their parents volunteer to do things with them. By taking an interest in your children’s sport and making it a positive experience for them, you can set them up for a lifetime of benefits.
With an endless list of electronic communication tools at our fingertips, not much lands in our letterboxes these days. Why not reboot the art of sending cards by making ‘hello’ cards with your kids.
There’s nothing more relaxing and soothing than sitting around a warm fire with friends and family, and with the cooler weather it’s the perfect time – before spring arrives and it starts to warm up again.
Celebrating special occasions can be fun, but it’s important that disruption is kept to a minimum to maintain a good relationship with your neighbours. Here are 6 tips for hosting a successful party and keeping everybody happy.
We’ve all been spending more time at home over the last few months. If you’ve discovered lots of jobs that need doing in and around your home, use a local tradie and help local businesses to get back on their feet. Here are 7 reasons why it’s better to stay local.
Teaching kids the importance of being involved with those around them will help them to become active members of their community. It will show them that one person can make a difference and the rewards will last a lifetime.
If recent events have taught us anything, it’s the importance of local communities. Catching up with neighbours is always a great thing to do, so why not invite them around for a cuppa and a chat and find out what they’ve been up to.
Kindness is a powerful tool and one small, thoughtful gesture can make someone else’s day. It has huge benefits everyone inclucing reduced stress and anxiety, and improved happiness. Here are 10 simple ideas to spread some kindness (and you might even find it’s catching!).
Dog walking has countless benefits both pet and owner. But what if you don’t or can’t own a dog? Borrow your neighbour’s! You’ll be helping a neighbour and getting some exercise.
Raking up leaves is a job that no one really enjoys doing. The solution? Get one of your neighbours’ kids to do it. They would probably love to earn a bit of extra pocket money – so it’s a win-win situation! Ask their parents if this is something they would like to do.
We’ve all done it – enthusiastically planted fruit trees, veggies and herbs only to discover we can’t possibly use everything up before it goes off or goes to seed. Why not take any excess you have and share it with your neighbours and passers-by.
When communities stay connected, they are safer, stronger and more resilient. At times like these, staying connected might take a bit more effort, but there are still some simple things you can do.
With social distancing in place, people are taking more walks to get out of the house and into the fresh air. It’s great opportunity to keep in touch with your community and even make more connections (while maintaining social distance rules of course, keeping at least 1.5 metres or two arms’ length apart).