Common causes include:
- Poor posture (the way your body is positioned when standing or sitting)
- Sleeping in an awkward position
- Tension
- Injury such as a muscle strain
- Prolonged use of a computer
- Wear and tear in the bones of the neck, which is a normal part of ageing
To help avoid non-specific neck pain, or stop if from getting worse, you should:
- Check your posture regularly - poor posture puts stress on your neck muscles and makes them work harder than they need to. Make sure you’re not slouching or hunched – whether you’re standing or sitting.
- Avoid prolonged rest - too much rest can stiffen your neck muscles and make your pain last longer.
- Make sure that your home office or work area is set up correctly. Avoid neck pain when sitting at a desk
- Pace your activity (do little bits often)
- Change positions often
- Sleep on a low, firm pillow – too many pillows will cause your neck to bend unnaturally, and pillows that are too soft won’t provide your neck with adequate support.
- Take regular stretch breaks – when you’re driving, standing, or sitting for long periods. Every hour or so, take a moment to stretch or move about. This will help change the position of your joints and loosen your muscles.
Chiropractic care can be beneficial for neck pain but always consult your doctor first. If your neck pain lasts more than a few days, always see your doctor.