Hard braking
If you’re an impatient driver and are constantly accelerating and braking, you are wearing your brakes down faster than necessary. Smooth acceleration and braking will make your brakes last longer (and as a bonus, will use less fuel).
Delaying filling up with petrol
With petrol prices at an all-time high, you’d be forgiven for waiting until the red light appears on your fuel gauge before filling up. This is not a good idea as it could damage your car’s fuel pump over time. It may also encourage condensation, leading to further damage.
Using the clutch as a footrest!
Whilst more and more people are buying automatic cars, there are still lots of manual transmission drivers out there resting their foot on the clutch while driving. Stop it, you are damaging your car!
Not checking your tyre pressure
Surveys conducted by the RAC found that more than one quarter of the cars on our roads could have incorrect tyre pressures. If your tyres are over or under inflated your car won’t be as easy to handle and they won’t do the job of keeping your car safely on the road.
Going too fast over speed bumps
Speed bumps are designed to slow you down! When you drive over them too quickly, it can wear your car’s shock absorbers and ball joints. It can also cause damage to the front and rear of the car.
Missing car services
You may think you’re saving money, but in the long term it could cost you way more. If you have a manufacturer’s warranty, you could void it my missing any scheduled services and if there are any small problems they could be missed until they become big problems. Regularly having your car serviced will minimise the risk of an unexpected repair bill.
Not driving your car at all
Cars are designed to be driven regularly. This warms up the engine oil and coolant, the brakes, and the exhaust system, which delays deterioration and helps water to evaporate from areas where it shouldn’t be. Regular driving also keeps your battery in good condition.
If you are guilty of any of these bad habits, here are two articles you may find helpful!
Signs your car battery is running out
5 car noises and what they mean