Easy fast-growing vegetables

If you fancy planting a vegetable garden, but don’t want to wait too long to see the fruits (or, rather, veggies!) of your labour, we have some great suggestions which will have you eating your own produce fast.

December 29, 2022

Before you start planting, prepare your soil or potting mix well and keep it moist, so your plants have the best chance of success. Plants suffering from water, heat or nutrient stress won’t grow as quickly. And always follow the instructions on the seed packets or seedling containers!

Here are fast and fabulous veggies to plant


Radishes are one of the fastest vegetables, taking just three to four weeks to reach harvest time. Seedlings will pop up within three to five days. Harvest when they are small, and you can also use the young leaves in the same way as spinach.

Salad leaves

Grow individual varieties or create your own salad blend by mixing two or more varieties together before sowing. Suitable salads include lettuce, kale, and rocket. In very hot weather, you may have to use shade cloth to keep the temperature down. Harvesting can start just three weeks after sowing. Cut a little, often for the best results.

Baby beetroot

Don’t wait for beetroot to mature as they can become woody. You can also eat all the vegetable. The leaves are delicious in salads. You’ll have to wait around 55 days to enjoy these small bulbs of deliciousness!

Baby zucchini

You can harvest zucchini when they are around 10-12cm long in around 60 days. Give these vegetables a little more space and they’ll produce a fabulous harvest. Zucchini flowers are also edible and are delicious stuffed, in salads, and served as a garnish.

Spring onions

Spring onions are a quick-growing plant that can be cut back to their base, and they will start to grow again!  

Sprouts and microgreens

Vegetable and herb sprouting seeds can be harvested in 7-21 days asmicrogreens or even faster as sprouts. They are enzyme-rich and a valuable source of nutrients.


Dwarf and compact pickling cucumber varieties are ready to enjoy in about 6 weeks.  

Cherry tomatoes

Because of their small size, you can be enjoying home grown cherry tomatoes in around 60 days; they also do well in containers. Avoid these mistakes when growing tomatoes

Once you’ve chosen which veggies you want to grow, remember to pick early when your produce is young. They will be tender and delicious, and you’ll use less water too!  

More handy edible garden tips:

Start an indoor edible garden

Grow your own handy herbs

Easy ways to keep pot plants hydrated

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