Health and Fitness

How often should you wash your towels?

We all love a fluffy, fresh towel after a shower, but have you ever wondered how often you should wash them? Well, wonder no more!

January 11, 2024

First things first, it's all about staying clean (obviously)! Towels pick up dead skin cells, oils, and even a splash of whatever beauty products you've used.

The good news is that it’s not difficult to keep your towels clean and fresh.  The general consensus among cleaning experts is that you should wash your towels after three to four uses.

Why this magic number? Glad you asked! Using them too many times without washing can turn them into a five-star hotel for bacteria (and other unwelcome guests!). The longer you wait between washes, the more likely these little critters will make themselves at home.

Use your nose!

Having said this, there are other things than counting how many times you’ve used them, to be taken into consideration. So regardless of the number of times your towel has been used, if it’s beginning to smell – throw it in the wash!

How to hang your used towel

For the shortest drying time, opt for a towel rail instead of hooks, and hang one towel spread out across the length of the bar. The more surface area exposed to the air, the faster it will dry—and the less likely it is to attract bacteria and smell. If you only have hooks – only hang one towel on each.

High maintenance towels!

Those lush, thick towels that you couldn’t resist buying may need a bit more attention because they take longer to dry! Hang them up properly for faster drying and longer-lasting freshness. Make sure they have plenty of breathing space.

Look out for these signs that you need new towels! And did you know you can recycle your old ones?

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