By planting a variety of native trees, shrubs, and ground cover in your garden you will provide a colourful and attractive natural habitat. Native plants provide nectar, seeds, nesting sites and shelter from predators. Encourage the greatest range of birds to your garden with a combination of high trees, medium level shrubs, grasses, and ground cover
Provide water
Add a simple birdbath to provide water for birds to drink and bathe in. Position it close to plants or trees so birds have somewhere to fly if they feel threatened. Change the water regularly or add a dripper from your reticulation system.
A well-planned garden will offer plenty of food for birds, so it is important not to feed them. Leaving food out may attract predators as well as making birds dependent on your handouts. Avoid using chemicals and non-organic fertilisers in and around your garden. If birds eat contaminated insects and plants, they may become ill. Use environmentally friendly alternatives wherever possible – your garden will thank you, too!
Great plants for birds include:
- Banksia, Melaleuca, Grevillea, Hakea
- Calothamnus (netbush)
- Lambertia (honeysuckle)
- Eucalyptus
- Kangaroo Paw (Anigozanthos sp.)
- Bottlebrush (Callistemon sp.)
- Wattle (Acacia sp.)
- Lilly Pilly (Syzygium australe)
- Fan Flower (Scaevola sp.)