Make your dishwasher last longer (and save)

A dishwasher is a fabulous investment for your kitchen, saving time and often using less water than hand-washing dishes; and with some simple maintenance steps, you can make sure it lasts.

January 29, 2025

Clean the filter properly 

A dirty filter can cause nasty blockages and even nastier smells if food gets stuck in there too long. By keeping your filter clean, you’re making sure that food scraps don't wander into parts of the machine where they can cause real trouble. Not sure where the filter is? Just pull out the bottom rack and take a peek in one of the back corners or around the base of the bottom spray arm. It looks like a basket - simply remove and rinse it under hot water to clear away the gunk.

Run an occasional cleaning cycle

Every now again, run your dishwasher on empty, using the hottest cycle possible. This can help to flush away built-up grease and limescale that can create issues down the track if you don't take care of it.

Some things don’t belong in your dishwasher

While there are a great number of things you can use the dishwasher to clean beyond your standard tableware and pots and pans, avoid items that could clog the machine or damage it - like anything coated in solvents or flammable liquids. Also, make sure you're not blocking the spray arms or overloading the racks. Proper stacking can prevent mishaps like broken glass ending up in the filter. Things to keep out of your dishwasher

Don't ignore an issue that's easy to fix

This pretty much goes for any appliance – if you see a problem, don't ignore it and hope it's going to magically fix itself. Many minor issues, such as leftover standing water after a load or a broken spray arm, can be easily fixed before they turn into a bigger issue (and bigger cost).

Give it some air

Whenever possible, leave the door on your dishwasher ajar to give it a good air out. This simple step helps maintain the seals, prevents odours, and stops mould from forming.

Regular is best

Run your dishwasher regularly (at least once a fortnight) to keep the mechanics lubricated and prevent the seals from drying out, which could cause leaks or pump issues. Regular use can also deter insects, which are oddly attracted to dishwashers. In fact, a common cause of dishwasher failure is an insect infestation! Regular use will mean they don’t have a chance to set up home.

Use dishwasher salt

Dishwasher salt helps soften hard water (water with a high mineral content). This can help to prevent mineral buildup that can clog up your dishwasher, causing breakdowns.

Most dishwashers will alert you when it's time to add salt. If yours doesn't need it, you might be able to turn off the indicator light - check your manual for how to manage these settings.

The most efficient way to stack your dishwasher

Unusual things you can put in your dishwasher
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