Money Saving Hacks

Plan your meals and save $$$

Did you know that up to 20% of the food you buy ends up in the bin? That’s a lot of your hard-earned cash down the drain, (that you could be spending on other stuff!). Not only does meal planning save you cash, but it also rescues precious time. Fewer trips to the supermarket and batch cooking means efficiency galore. Easy peasy!

October 12, 2023

Make a meal plan for the week that includes breakfasts, lunches, dinners, snacks etc; and make sure you take leftovers into account. For example, if you are making a roast for dinner one night, you can plan to use any leftovers in wraps or tacos the next night. 

Check your fridge and pantry

Ever found a sad-looking wilted bunch of veggies at the back of your fridge? Plan your meals around what you've already got, and you'll use up everything before it starts looking like a high school science project! 

Check what's on special

Go online to see your supermarket's weekly specials and plan your meals around those to save even more. Easy money-saving supermarket swaps

Make a list

When you go shopping, make sure you make a list and stick with it. Avoid those tempting specials on display at the end of each aisle (unless it's on your list, of course!). The plan is to make one shopping trip each week to save time (and money).

Make it fun

Give your week some pizzazz with themed days. How about Pasta Wednesdays or Fish Fridays? It's not only fun but adds variety without the fuss.

Double it up

When you find deals, cook extra portions to freeze for future meals.

Recycle meal plans

Have a few weekly meal plans up your sleeve and rotate them. No need to try and reinvent the wheel every week!

Put it on display

Keep your meal plan where everyone can see it (such as on the fridge). This way you can avoid the anguished wails of 'what's for dinner????'

Love your leftovers

Have a leftovers night, where everyone can choose what they want from what's in the fridge - or even have a bit of everything, buffet-style!

Skip special ingredients

Avoid recipes that require pricey, one-time-use items such as herbs and spices. Get creative with what's already in your kitchen. Grow an indoor edible garden

Keep it seasonal

Buy fruits and veggies in season for better prices. Canned and frozen options are budget-friendly too. Reduce your fruit and veggie waste

Get everyone involved

Involve the whole family in meal planning – their favourites can guide your shopping and they're more likely to eat it!

Embrace technology!

There are also plenty of mobile apps for making a food plan and generating the shopping list. Check out your mobile device’s app store.

Take a look at our quick and easy recipes for inspiration!

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