Money Saving Hacks

Easy supermarket swaps to save money

Saving money on food shopping doesn't have to mean sacrificing quality or taste. With these easy supermarket swaps, you can keep your bank balance under control. Happy shopping and even happier saving!

May 16, 2023

Embrace generic brands

Many supermarket brand products are just as good, if not better, than the branded ones, and they come with a significantly lower price tag. The next time you go shopping, experiment by replacing a few of your usual branded items with own-brand alternatives and see how they compare and how much you can save.

Frozen fruit and vegetables

Frozen fruit and veggies are a great alternative to fresh. They're just as nutritious (because they are frozen as soon as they are picked!) and budget friendly. Plus, they have a longer shelf life, allowing you more time to enjoy them.

If you do prefer fresh here’s how you can store them to prevent waste

Bulk buy some items

Another swap that can save you money is to buy in bulk. Buying larger packs of certain items can often work out much cheaper than buying smaller quantities. Just make sure you have enough storage space before you go crazy in the bulk-buy section! Here are some foods you should avoid buying in bulk.

Look for cheaper cuts of meat

If you're a big meat-eater, swapping to cheaper cuts of meat can also be a great money-saving tactic. Instead of going for expensive cuts like fillet steak or lamb chops, opt for cheaper options like skirt steak or mince. These options may not be as fancy, but they can still be delicious and are much easier on the wallet. Put your slow cooker to work for the cheaper cuts.

Eating less meat can also reduce your grocery bill.

Avoid pre-packaged food

Buying anything that is chopped and/or sliced and packaged will cost you a premium.

DIY cleaning products

Ditch the store-bought cleaning and laundry products and try these cheaper alternatives instead.

How to clean with vinegar

Make your own fabric softener

Easy, DIY cleaning products

Also remember to bring your own shopping bags. A 25c paper bag may not feel like you’re spending much, but if you buy one every time you go, it quickly adds up!

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