Paper towels – not just useful for wiping up spills

Paper towel is very handy for wiping up spills, but it has other clever uses around the kitchen.

July 29, 2021

Keep your lettuce fresher for longer

If you’re sick of finding brown lettuce in your fridge, here’s a great way to extend its life. Wrap your unwashed lettuce leaves in paper towel before storing them in the fridge. This will absorb the excess moisture and prevent the lettuce from going brown quickly.  

Microwave your bacon

Yes, you can! Lay slices of bacon on a plate lined with a paper towel, cover with another sheet of paper towel. Cook in the microwave on high for 3 – 4 minutes (check a couple of times to make sure it’s not getting overcooked). The paper towel soaks up the liquids, so your bacon is crispy, and your microwave is free from grease splatters.

Line your fridge crisper drawer

To make your crisper easier to keep clean, place a paper towel at the bottom. This will also absorb any moisture, making your fruit and vegetables last a little longer. Just replace the paper towel regularly.

No more mushy strawberries

When you’ve washed your strawberries, put a paper towel at the bottom of the container to soak up the excess water. Remove the paper towel the next day.

Soften brown sugar

If your container of brown sugar has hardened, remove the lid, and cover it with a moist paper towel. Leave it in place overnight and it will return to its original consistency. Remove the paper towel and replace the lid.  

Prevent bin spills and smells

Put a couple few sheets of paper towel at the bottom of your bin liner to absorb liquids. No more dripping bags! You could also add a few of drops of your favourite essential oil to prevent horrid bin smells.

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