Fresh and fluffy towels? Yes please!

Remember those soft, fluffy towels that felt like you were wrapping yourself in a cloud? Now they’re more like a hug from a giant piece of sandpaper. Here’s how to turn back the clock and keep them as fresh as a daisy.

March 25, 2024

Ahhh, the simple pleasure of wrapping yourself in a soft, fluffy towel after a relaxing shower! Keeping your towels at their fluffiest, freshest, and softest is easier than you might think.

Shake it!

First things first, give your towels a good shake before and after washing them. It helps fluff up the fibres, making sure your towels dry soft and lofty. A good shake can also prevent the fibres from compressing, which is often what makes towels feel rough over time.

Washing wonders

When it comes to detergent, using too much can make towels less soft. Use about half the detergent recommended on the label, and your towels will thank you by staying soft and fluffy.

Fabric softener? No thanks!

It might seem counterintuitive, but using fabric softener on towels can actually decrease their fluffiness and absorbency. The coating that fabric softeners leave behind can make towels water repellent over time.

The right way to dry

How you dry your towels plays a huge role in keeping them soft. If you're using a tumble dryer, throw in a couple of clean tennis balls or dryer balls. These bounce around and help fluff up your towels as they dry. Just be careful not to over-dry them, as too much heat can damage the fibres. If you're air-drying, hang your towels in a breezy, shaded spot.

Rotate regularly

To prevent wear and tear on your favourite towels, keep a few sets in rotation. This gives each set a break, extending the life and fluffiness of your towels.

Breathing room

Store your towels in a cool, dry place, and avoid cramming them into the cupboard. A little breathing room keeps them airy and fresh until their next use.

Vinegar and sodium bi-carb

Although these best buddies are often used together to work miracles – when it comes to your towels – keep them apart!

If hard water or fabric softener residue is messing with your towels, every now and then, swap your regular detergent for a cup of vinegar. It's like a fabric softener without the gunky side effects, boosting softness and tackling odours.

You could also, add half a cup of sodium bi-carb to the wash cycle (not with the vinegar – in separate wash). Like vinegar, baking soda freshens and cleans towels, but it also helps fluff up those fibres, making your towels soft and smooth again.

Signs that you need new towels

How to recycle old towels

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