What’s lurking in your pillow?

What are you resting your head on at night? Chances are your pillow has been hijacked by lots of unwanted bedfellows and it’s enough to give you nightmares! Here are a few things you should know!

April 7, 2022

Why you should wash your pillows

If you don’t wash your pillow on a regular basis, it is most likely a combination of pillow stuffing, hair, dead skin cells, sweat, and drool - plus dust mites (and their droppings)! And researchers have also found that the average pillow can contain up to 16 different species of fungal spores.    

As if that wasn’t enough, unwashed pillows can also affect your skin. They are a source of bacteria that can cause skin conditions, even if you use a clean pillowcase.  

It’s especially important to clean your pillows if you’re a pet owner who regularly shares their bed with a furry friend, because goodness knows what they are leaving behind!  

How to wash your pillows

Only wash down, feather or polyester pillows in a machine and use a mild liquid detergent with warm water on a gentle cycle. Memory foam should be hand washed. Cool wash with a mild detergent and make sure they are dried thoroughly before reusing.

Wash two pillows at once to keep the washing machine balanced. Front loader machines are the best choice for pillows, because the agitator on conventional top-loaders can be tough on them. If you have a top loader, it’s best to use the gentle cycle for just a few minutes.  

Alternatively, you could take a trip to your local laundromat to use their big front loaders (this is also a great idea even if you have a front loader at home, as you’ll be able to wash several pillows in one load).  

Tip: Use the change of seasons to remind you to give your pillows a wash!

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