Minimise splatter when frying: Just sprinkle a little salt into the oil.
Reduce the itch of a mosquito bite: Dab a little salt water on the area. Natural ways to keep the mozzies away
DIY body scrub: Make a paste with 1 tbsp each of honey, coconut oil and table salt. Massage into damp skin while showering for silky-soft skin.
Remove tea and coffee stains from mugs: Just sprinkle some salt onto a sponge and rub in circles across the stains until they disappear.
Clean your iron plate: Sprinkle some table salt onto your ironing board, then use the hottest setting and iron over it. It should lift off any lumps and bumps and have your iron working like new again. How to clean your iron
Keep milk fresh for longer: If your milk is nearing its use-by date, add a pinch of salt to the bottle and it will last a couple of days longer (it works with cream too!).
Refresh artificial flowers: Place the flowers into a paper bag with some salt. Shake gently and the salt will remove any traces of dust and dirt.
Smelly shoes: Sprinkle some salt inside your shoes and it will soak up any lingering smells overnight. Just remember to tip out the salt before you wear them! More ways to prevent smelly shoes
Make a cloudy vase shine: Just fill the vase with a strong solution of salt and water, then shake or brush gently. Give it a wash afterwards and it will be back to its sparkling best.
How to clean your wooden chopping board
Discover the secret powers of salt!