Community Tips

Start book club in your street

Looking for ways to connect with your community? Try starting a street book club!

August 22, 2023

Spread the word

Contact your neighbours (you could simply knock on their door, pop a note in their mailbox or send them a message online). You could even start a social media group for your street book club to keep things organised and share updates. How to organise a Street Swap

Choose your book

Choosing interesting books is essential to keep everyone engaged. Take it in turns to pick a book and if you don’t think it’s your cup of tea – read it anyway; a book club is a great way of reading books you wouldn’t necessarily choose yourself – there will be some hits and some misses but that’s all part of the fun! Also choose a book that is readily available in-store or to download (for Kindle readers).

Location, location, location!

When it comes to choosing a place for your book club discussion, make it cosy and convenient. It could be someone’s home, a local park (in the warmer months!), or a local café. If there are lots of people, you could even catch up online – we’ve all become experts at that over the last couple of years!

Meet regularly

Life can get busy, but don't let that stop the book club. Set a regular meeting time that works for most people, such as once a month or every few weeks to discuss the book.

Keep things open and inviting, making sure everyone has a chance to share their thoughts and opinions. Don't worry about fancy literary analysis - it's about connecting over the stories and characters.

And finally - snacks!

Nothing says book club like some delicious snacks! Ask each member to bring a treat or drinks to share to add a relaxed and social atmosphere to your gatherings.

Remember, the goal of a street book club is to have fun, build friendships, and share the joy of reading. So, don't fret about being perfect – just jump right in. Happy reading!

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