Empty and clean items which can go into your yellow-top recycling bin:
- Glass: bottles & jars with the lids removed (metal lids can be placed in the bin separately)
- Paper: not shredded
- Cardboard: flattened
- Plastic: bottles (lids removed – these can’t go into your recycling bin) & rigid containers (apart from meat trays)
- Cans: aluminium & steel
The following items do not belong in your yellow top bin
- Bagged items
- Soft ‘scrunchable’ plastics’
- Clothes or other textiles
- Nappies, food or garden waste
- Gas bottles, aerosols or batteries
- Polystyrene products
- Takeaway coffee cups
- Items marked ‘compostable’ or ‘biodegradeable’
- Meat trays – even clean they are a contaminant risk
4 common recycling mistakes
- Failure to place items in the correct bin - recyclable products end up in landfill.
- Not rinsing items - the residue can contaminate other recyclable materials, sending them to landfill.
- Not removing lids from plastic or glass containers - hinders the sorting process.
- Disposing of nappies in the yellow-top bin – yes, this actually happens! Nappies should always go into the general waste bin.
Visit WasteSorted to find out more.