Do you know what you can and can’t recycle?

Recycling facilities in Western Australia use a combination of magnets, blowers, tumblers and grids to separate the types of recycling. You can help them by making sure you are recycling correctly.

November 5, 2020

Empty and clean items which can go into your yellow-top recycling bin:

  1. Glass: bottles & jars with the lids removed (metal lids can be placed in the bin separately)
  2. Paper: not shredded
  3. Cardboard: flattened
  4. Plastic: bottles (lids removed – these can’t go into your recycling bin) & rigid containers (apart from meat trays)
  5. Cans: aluminium & steel 

The following items do not belong in your yellow top bin 

  • Bagged items 
  • Soft ‘scrunchable’ plastics’
  • Clothes or other textiles  
  • Nappies, food or garden waste 
  • Gas bottles, aerosols or batteries 
  • Polystyrene products 
  • Takeaway coffee cups  
  • Items marked ‘compostable’ or ‘biodegradeable’ 
  • Meat trays – even clean they are a contaminant risk 

4 common recycling mistakes

  1. Failure to place items in the correct bin - recyclable products end up in landfill.   
  2. Not rinsing items - the residue can contaminate other recyclable materials, sending them to landfill.  
  3. Not removing lids from plastic or glass containers - hinders the sorting process.  
  4. Disposing of nappies in the yellow-top bin – yes, this actually happens! Nappies should always go into the general waste bin.  
Visit WasteSorted to find out more.

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