9 jobs you can easily complete during a commercial break

Instead of picking up your phone and scrolling during the commercial breaks on TV, take the opportunity to do a few jobs that will only take a couple of minutes. You will be amazed at how much time you'll save on jobs and chores.

January 19, 2023
  1. Clean out your handbag – get rid of all the stuff that has accumulated including hair ties, old receipts, pens and markers that don’t work, and anything that may be lurking at the bottom!
  1. Pay a bill online and avoid overdue fees.  
  1. Write a shopping list – this can also be a great money saver rather than picking random items off the shelves when you go to the supermarket.  
  1. Write a 'to do' list for the following day.
  1. Throw a load of laundry into the washing machine (and switch it on, obviously!)
  1. Go through all your emails and mark those that need attention – or delete if they are not relevant.  
  1. If you need to declutter a few things in your home – put one item in the decluttering pile each commercial break and soon you’ve have a few things to recycle or take to the op shop.
  1. Check up on your indoor plants – do they need watering? Are they gathering dust?  
  1. Change your kitchen rubbish bin if it’s overflowing and getting a bit smelly (there are only so many times you can try to compress the rubbish to avoid the trip to the outside general waste bin!).  

There are also lots of quick cleaning jobs you can do during an ad break

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