Rust can develop
The word that strikes fear into every car owner! Dents, however small, cause damage to your car's paintwork. Cracks can appear which allow water to seep through the protective coating. Over time, the water will cause the metal to oxidise and rust spots will appear. This can spread causing more damage to your car.
Paint cracks can get bigger
One thing's for sure, without attention, damage to your car's paintwork will never get better, only worse! Weather conditions, everyday wear-and-tear and even washing your car can cause the cracks in the paint to grow.
The value of your car will drop
No matter how well your car performs, its appearance will influence its resale value. Apart from the damage it does to the bodywork of your car, dents which haven't been repaired are a sign that the car hasn't been well-maintained, which will put off most potential buyers.
The longer you leave it, the more it will cost to repair
Fixing a small dent straight away will be cheaper than if you leave things to deteriorate. Once paint starts to flake off and rust develops the damage will be worse and more expensive to fix.
Your car might not be safe
Safety should be your number one priority with any vehicle. What may seem like a small dent in your car's bodywork could be hiding a more serious problem. Minor dings and dents can still cause structural damage that isn't obvious until checked by a professional.