Prevent rust from ruining your car

Rust on your car doesn’t look great and if it gets out of control, it can make a vehicle dangerous to drive. Here are a few ways to stop it before it starts.

January 12, 2023

Rust can be caused by:

  • Dirt, moisture and chemicals in the air and on the road.
  • Chips, scratches, and any damage to painted metal surfaces from minor accidents (such as rogue shopping trolleys in the shopping centre car park!) or stones and gravel on the road.
  • Sea air and pollution can also accelerate corrosion, along with high humidity.  

To avoid rust:

  • Keep your car exterior clean and protected with frequent and thorough washing.
  • Keep the underside as clean and dry as possible.
  • If you live near the ocean, wash your car regularly
  • Avoid parking under trees, but if there are no other options, remove any bird droppings or tree sap from your car as soon as possible.
  • Transport items such as pool salt, fertilisers, and chemicals in sealed containers.
  • Regularly inspect your vehicle for scratches, dents and chips and have them repaired as soon as possible.

How to keep your car interior clean and tidy

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