Unless you have a battery or storage device, the solar power you generate (which occurs during the day) also needs to be used during the day.
Change your charging habits
If possible, remember to recharge your mobile devices, laptops, and other gadgets during the day, unplugging them in the evening.
Daytime cooling/heating
Cooling and heating account for a whopping 18 per cent of your energy bill, so make sure you're adjusting the temperature of your home when your solar panels can help. In the middle of the afternoon, use your cooling/heating appliances to bring the temperature to the right level so you can switch off in the evening.
Time those appliances
Got a dishwasher or washing machine? Set them on timers to kick in during the day when your solar panels are working their hardest.
Upgrade appliances
Appliances with rechargeable batteries can be a great way to utilise solar energy. If you're looking to buy new appliances, consider options which are cordless, as they tend to be battery operated (such as a cordless vacuum cleaner) and you can charge them during daylight hours.
Pool stuff
You can save energy and put your solar panels to work by running your pool’s filter during the day; consider investing in a timer to manage this routine if your system doesn’t already have one.
Make sure they’re clean
Dust, dirt and bird droppings can affect how efficiently your system can work.
Tree pruning
To maximise solar exposure, keep trees trimmed to prevent shading on your panels. Be mindful of the changing position of the sun throughout the day to guarantee prolonged exposure.