When to run your home appliances with free solar power

Perth is the sunniest capital in the world! So, if you already have solar panels, or are planning to have them installed – here are some tips to get the best return from your investment.

September 29, 2022

Unless you have a battery or storage device, the solar power you generate (which happens during the day) also needs to be used during the day.   

On a sunny day, north facing solar panels tend to produce the most energy between 10am and 2pm. If your panels are west facing, use your energy in the afternoon, and morning time is best for those with east facing panels. Try to work within these time frames if you can, to get the most out of your system.

  • Run your pool pump in the mornings/early afternoon.
  • Recharge your mobile devices, laptops, and other gadgets during the day, and unplug them in the evening.
  • Make the most of modern technology. Set the timer on your washing machine or dishwasher to run while the sun shines.
  • Slow cookers are a great way to create a meal using solar power. By using a slow cooker, you can cook your meals throughout the day to make the most of that sunshine – and dinner is done!
  • Heating and cooling account for a whopping 18 per cent of your energy bill, so make sure you're adjusting the temperature of your home when your solar panels can help. In the middle of the afternoon, use your heating and cooling appliances to bring the temperature to the right level so you can switch off in the evening.
  • Appliances with rechargeable batteries can be a great way to utilise solar energy. Cordless varieties tend to be battery operated (such as a cordless vacuum cleaner) and you can charge them during daylight hours.
  • Keep up with solar panel maintenance to make sure everything is working effectively.

For help and advice on which solar panels would be the best for your home, contact your local, solar power expert.

Source: https://www.synergy.net.au/

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