
How not to kill your laptop!

If you’ve bought yourself a shiny new laptop, here are some things to avoid, to make it last as long as possible.

August 22, 2023

Don't take the name too literally!

Avoid placing your laptop on your lap too often, especially if the fan is on the bottom. That could lead to overheating and dust buildup. Also avoid soft surfaces such as a bed or pillow. If the vent overheats or collects dust, it can cause damage.  

Shut it down

Remember to shut down your laptop at least once a week - important updates need a restart to take effect and keep your system secure. So, rather than just closing the lid, shut it down at least once a week, and it'll thank you with smoother performance. Common computer problems

Keep it charged

Keeping your laptop battery fully charged more often will make it last longer. Avoid a dying mobile phone battery

Avoid moisture

Laptops aren't waterproof, to make sure it doesn't come into contact with water. This includes cups of coffee and tea that have the potential to spill. If you laptop does get wet, turn it off straight away and towel dry, and don't try to turn it on again until it's dried properly. Wet phone? Don't panic!

Always use a surge protector

Picture this: a lightning storm outside, and you forgot to unplug your laptop. ZAP! That's the sound of a power surge frying your beloved device. Always use a surge protector to shield it from unexpected jolts and keep your laptop safe and sound. Why backing up your computer is so important

Carry correctly

When carrying your laptop, be gentle and avoid picking it up by the screen. It's better to scoop it up from the bottom to avoid stressing the plastic and screws. If you have to carry it in a bag, use a padded case - this will provide some extra protection in case of bumps or drops. A little cushioning goes a long way to protect your laptop from any unexpected tumbles.

Use it or lose it!

Many laptops come with features that you don't use so much - and they can suck up your battery life and make your laptop run slowly. Disable any features you're not using for a better performance. Simple tips to improve your Wi-Fi

Keep an eye on your apps

Raise your hand if you're guilty of having a gazillion tabs open in your browser (join the club!). All those open tabs can make your laptop work extra hard, generating more heat and potentially shortening its lifespan. Keep it well-ventilated, and your laptop will love you!

Install antivirus software!

This is your best defence against malware and viruses that can harm your laptop. Even if you're careful where you click and what you download - those pesky bugs can find their way in.

Happy computing!

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