6 cups hot water (just boiled)
Half cup dishwashing liquid
Half cup cornflour
1 tbsp baking powder (NOT baking soda/sodium bicarb)
1 tbsp glycerine
Mix the dry ingredients with a whisk and then mix in half of the water to make a thick paste. Add the rest of the hot water and the glycerine to make an opaque liquid.
Finally, add the dishwashing liquid slowly, so you don’t create any bubbles.
You can use this straight away, but it’s best if you leave it overnight.
Note: Some of the cornflour may not dissolve completely and may even settle to the bottom when you’re using your bubble mixture, but it won’t affect the quality of your bubbles.
You will also need a giant bubble wand
You could use:
- Pipe cleaners – twist them together to make any shape you like, such as circles or stars! Remember to add a handle.
- Cut the end off a plastic soft drink bottle, dip it in your bubble mixture and use the lid end to blow into.
- Use a large plastic funnel. Dip the wide end into the mixture and blow into the spout.
- Twist wire it into whatever shape you like – you may need some pliers, depending on the thickness of the wire. You could also use an old wire coat hanger.
- Use a hula hoop for huge bubbles!
It’s best to put your bubble mixture into a wide, shallow container – just make sure your chosen style of wand will fit. Multiply the amounts if you need more mixture.