- Cornflour
- Cold water
- Wide and shallow container (such as a baking tray or washing up bowl)
- A plastic tablecloth or similar if you are doing this inside.
- Paint for colouring (optional)
Put 2 cups of cornflour into your chosen container.
Add 1 cup of water (If you want to colour your oobleck, add a little paint to the water and stir to dissolve).
If the mixture seems too dry, add more water. If it's too liquid, add some more cornflour. The oobleck is ready when you can form it into a ball; but when you let go, it should become a liquid again and melt through your fingers like magic! Keep experimenting until you get the right consistency.
Oobleck can dry out as you play with it, so add a few drops of water to loosen it.
Important! Don’t pour your oobleck down the sink when you have finished with it – or you are asking for a blockage! (This includes not flushing it down the loo! Let it dry out and then but it in the bin (or compost bin if you have one).
Here are more gooey, squishy things to make!