
How to keep your toilet clean

Cleaning the loo must be one of the least liked jobs to do around the house (especially if you have boys whose aim could do with a little practise!). But it has to be done! Here are 4 tips to make it a bit easier.

January 20, 2022

Those hard-to-shift stains you can see in your toilet bowl are caused by limescale. It’s usually white but mineral deposits in the toilet such as iron, calcium and magnesium will turn the limescale brown or green. It’s best to clean any discolouration in your toilet bowl as soon as it appears.

  1. White vinegar can be an excellent toilet cleaner. Its acidity is strong enough to kill germs, bacteria, and mould on contact. Fill a clean spray bottle with the vinegar and spray around the toilet bowl and under the rim. Leave it at least 10 minutes and give it a scrub with the toilet brush.  
  1. Coca cola may be bad for your teeth, but some swear by it for getting rid of stains in your toilet. Pour the coke around the rim of your toilet bowl so all the stains are covered. Let it sit for at least an hour and the stains should be easier to get rid of.  
  1. Hydrogen peroxide is another inexpensive toilet cleaning tool. Pour half a cup into your loo and let it sit for at least half an hour, then give it a good scrub with a toilet brush.  
  1. If your toilet is made of porcelain try giving it a scrub with a pumice stone (this method is not suitable for any other materials such as marble, laminate, plastic, or fibreglass). It’s best to wear gloves for this one. Wet the pumice stone thoroughly and scrub any stains directly. As you scrub, paste from the pumice stone will appear. Flush once the stains are gone.

And finally – don’t forget to clean the outside of the bowl as well as the inside (you’d be horrified if you could see what germs are lurking there!). This will also help to get rid of odours.

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