Before the establishment of a rail system, the river was used as the main transport route between Perth and Fremantle.
A birds-eye view of the river shows that it looks a bit like a swan!
The Swan River is home to the Indo-Pacific Bottlenose dolphins, which are a breed of the common bottlenose dolphins, but are specific to the region. The Indo-Pacific Bottlenose dolphins are smaller, have more teeth and are less social than the common bottlenose dolphin.
Over 130 species of fish and wildlife call the Swan River home. This includes bull sharks, cobblers, herring, mullet, black brim, whiting, flatheads and blowfish.
It's also home to waterbirds and terrestrial animals, including the famous black swans, pelicans, ibises, ducks, parrots, kingfishers, bush-tail possums and water-rats.
There are currently 22 road and railway bridges crossing the Swan River.
The Swan River empties into the Indian Ocean at Fremantle Harbour.
Did you know? 7 interesting facts about the Swan River!