Get some fresh air and stay connected in your community

With social distancing in place, people are taking more walks to get out of the house and into the fresh air. It’s great opportunity to keep in touch with your community and even make more connections (while maintaining social distance rules of course, keeping at least 1.5 metres or two arms’ length apart).

April 9, 2020

If you’re out getting some exercise and come across fellow walkers, you could say hi and even ask how they’re going.

You might also find more people in their front gardens (with or without their kids) and can have a quick chat over the fence.

If you don’t fancy a walk, sit out in your front garden with a cuppa and say hello to anyone who walks by. Try meeting three of your suburban neighbours this week that walk by your home. They probably live in the next street.

It's these small gestures that keep communities connected; and a smile or a few words from you could make a huge difference to someone's day.

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