When should you call the SES? A quick guide

With storm season just around the corner, we have a few tips about the do’s and don’ts of calling the State Emergency Service to help out.

May 28, 2024

Your knights in shining armour

The SES is a volunteer division of the Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES). When a natural disaster strikes or an emergency arises, SES volunteers come to the rescue by providing a wide range of volunteer services to help the community cope with the impact of a disaster.

The SES can help you with:

  • Significant structural damage like collapsed roofs or ceilings

  • Making temporary emergency repairs to homes and buildings

  • Removing fallen trees that have damaged homes and cars

  • Sandbagging areas in danger of flooding

  • Pumping out flood water

  • Rescuing trapped or injured people, and helping people relocate if they are in danger

The SES cannot help you with:

  • Clearing debris and organising permanent repairs

  • Attending to broken fences, trees that have fallen on fences or if there is debris around your property or in your pool

  • Basic repairs that you can manage yourself

Always call triple zero (000) for fire and life-threatening emergencies.

How to call the SES

Call 132 500

There can be a high level of demand, so when you call, you must be patient and be prepared to wait.

  • Speak slowly and clearly

  • Tell them exactly where to come

  • All requests are prioritised by urgency

  • Major structural damage will be attended to first

  • Avoid clogging up emergency hotlines with unrelated requests

Source: https://www.dfes.wa.gov.au/

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