
Extremely useful local community tips

Spiders are a valuable part of our ecosystem, helping to manage insect populations, but we don’t necessarily want them in our homes! Here are some common culprits and how to avoid these eight-legged squatters!

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November 27, 2023

We all know the struggle of keeping our homes cool when the sun decides to turn up the heat. So, we’ve found some easy-to-follow tips that'll help keep the temperature down.

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November 27, 2023

Thefts and burglaries increase over the festive season, so if you are going away, it's important to make sure your home is well protected (unfortunately burglars don't take a break!).

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November 16, 2023

You might think that yoga is an exercise that requires you to be a bit bendy - but that's not the case! Yoga is an ancient practice that incorporates gentle exercise, breath control and meditation - and practising yoga on a regular basis has many health benefits.

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November 10, 2023

It’s just about time to put away the winter doona; but rather than just folding it up and storing it away, it’s best to make sure it fresh and clean first. Here’s why.

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November 10, 2023

Cleaning the oven must be one of the most hated tasks on everyone's cleaning schedule, but there are a few things you can do to make the process a lot easier.

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October 31, 2023

In Australia, car keys are amongst the most common lost items, and it can be expensive having them replaced at the dealership. But there is a cheaper way.

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October 26, 2023

Without adequate ventilation, your roof space can heat to above 60 degrees in summer (yikes!). This heat will transfer through your ceiling and into your house, but installing a whirly bird will help keep your home cooler. 

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October 26, 2023

Going on holiday but can't take your dog? If you're sending them to a boarding kennels while you are away, here are a few things to look out for.

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October 26, 2023

If you’re planning to plant trees in your small garden, here are some troublemakers you should definitely steer clear of!

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October 18, 2023

The sun is starting to shine, flowers are starting to appear - and unfortunately so are a variety of pests that can invade your home! As the weather warms up, certain critters become more active, looking for food, water, and shelter. Here are a few to look out for.

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October 13, 2023

We live in a throw away world, but if you choose your clothes carefully and look after them, you'll be doing your wallet and the environment a favour! Here are some tips for making your clothes last.

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October 6, 2023

If It's been a while since you had a new toothbrush, it could be time to ditch the old and bring in the new! Here's why.

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October 6, 2023

You never know what you're going to find when you take off your pool cover after a long, wet winter. But now is the time to be brave and do it! This way, your pool is ready for spring (and summer).

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September 28, 2023

We all want the best for our children, and that includes making sure they're doing well in school. But how do you know if your child is falling behind? Here's how to spot the signs.

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September 28, 2023

An exercise physiologist is a bit like a fitness detective! They're the experts who help you understand how your body responds to exercise and physical activity. Here’s why you might need one.

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September 28, 2023

Thinking about giving your driveway a bit of a face-lift? Pavers are a great choice and they come in all sorts of colours, textures, and sizes. Here are a few things to remember when deciding which will be best for you.

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September 27, 2023

Go on admit it, you've bought flat pack furniture thinking it's going to be a doddle to put together only to find that the 'instructions' don't contain any words, just pictures, and you've attached a few bits back to front! We're here to help with some tips to make it all a lot less stressful!

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September 13, 2023

Now that we’re seeing glimpses of spring on the horizon, you may have started thinking about turning your retic back on. Here’s how to keep it flowing smoothly when the sun finally appears!

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September 13, 2023

Keeping your lawn neat and tidy isn't just about how it looks – it comes with a whole bunch of benefits that make it well worth the effort. From enhancing your home’s kerb appeal to creating a safer outdoor space, here's why regular lawn mowing is a fantastic idea.

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September 6, 2023
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