Handy Home Hints

Banish bad smells from your home!

Some smells are good (think baking bread or fresh coffee); some, not so much (think smelly socks and wet dog!). Here are some helpful tips to get rid of the not-so-good smells around your home.

October 6, 2023

Smelly kitchen 

  • Put some kitchen paper or cotton wool balls with a few drops of essential oils at the bottom of your kitchen bin to banish bin smells. You can also pop a tumble dryer sheet at the bottom of your bin for a similar effect.

  • Put your plastic chopping boards in the dishwasher for a thorough clean. How to clean wooden chopping boards

  • Simmer cinnamon sticks and orange peel in water to neutralise cooking odours.

  • Who doesn't already love the smell of coffee in the morning? Brewing a fresh pot or placing coffee grounds in shallow bowls around your kitchen can help absorb cooking smells.

  • For a fresh smelling microwave, put slices of lemon in a a bowl of water and 'cook' for a few minutes.

  • Add half a cup of vinegar to one cup of water and simmer on the stove while you cook (or after) to absorb any lingering smells.

Less than fresh fridges

Put an open box (or a small dish) of sodium bicarbonate in the fridge to absorb odours.

Pongy pets

  • Regularly clean pet bedding, toys, and use sodium bicarb on carpets (just sprinkle it around, leave for 15 minutes or so and then vacuum).

  • Groom your pets regularly and use pet-friendly air fresheners.

Bathroom odours

Get some floral friends

Houseplants like spider plants, lavender, and aloe vera act as natural air fresheners. Keep them healthy to maximise their odour-fighting super powers.

Stinky shoes and socks

  • Put unused tea bags in shoes to absorb odours.

  • Put a little bit of salt inside a fabric bag and then place it inside your shoes. It will absorb the moisture and odour (hopefully!).

  • Wash socks regularly to avoid smelly buildup.

  • Encourage a ‘shoes off at the door’ policy!

  • Drop a dry bar of soap into each shoe and leave it overnight. Soap kills bacteria and the smell they produce. Plus, soap is porous, so it'll absorb the smell and replace it with a clean, soapy scent.

  • Put your shoes in direct sunlight for a few hours after a run to let them dry completely before their next wear.

  • If your shoes are machine-washable, give them a spin in the washer. Just make sure to remove the insoles and laces first.

And remember to open your windows to let in natural light and fresh air - sunlight is a natural deodorant and will freshen up your home. 

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